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Question about Velvia and "Photoshop Velvia"

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i have switched to slide film maybe a year ago and was blown away from

the start by the dynamic range of colors and brightness of Sensia 100.


I have recently tried Velvia 50 and i have to say the astonishment

about those colors (at least for my pictures) was the same as when

going from negative to transparency film.


Now my question: as Velvia is about 8 Euro per roll and Sensia about 3

Euro, can i get the same results as when using Velvia by some PS

manipulation or is there simply a lack of information (like dynamic

range etc.) so this is not completely possible.


Thank you!

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It would be technically possible to simulate Velvia (or other high saturation) color films in the digital domain. But it is not simply a matter of more contrast, more color saturation, or some color warping (although that could get close). You need to simulate the inter-layer effects, where an area seeing a red image would simultaneously boost the red response, and decrease the blue and green response. But only where one has a strong color. I think it would take a plugin in Photoshop.


Also, it's hard to simulate one set of spectral sensitivities (Velvia's three layers) with RGB data from a digital sensor with its own set of spectral sensitivities. The raw data has been lost.

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