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Dev time for old 120 Tri-x in D76 and should I go stock or 1:1


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This is probably a much covered question but as I use a (programable) Jobo ATL 1500 it

may differ enough to justify.


So I shot a 5 pack of the old style 120 tri-x last weekend and therefore seek your opinions

on the best dev time. This emulsion is definitely different from the current generation that

gives a slightly magenta coloured neg. I once did a roll of old and new tri-x in the same

dev tank (35mm) and found the old version had come out significantly over deved. I am

finding that provided the film is given a 5 min prewet, one can generaly go with the

recommended dev time for hand tank inversion processing though this does aparently

vary with the dev / film combo.


If it helps I will also provide you some info on the actual photography. The pictures are of

a model sitting by a window covered with white curtains. The afternoon light coupled the

strong diffusion gave a beautiful soft light. A big reflector behind the model yielded

about 3 stops difference between light and shadow. easy for tri-x to handle (i think) The

camera (a Hasselblad) was tripod mounted with exposures of 1/30th at 4 - 5.6


Anyone with experience on this combo, please share your times and thoughts. Given the

subject and style described above, would you recommend stock or 1:1 ?


Many thanks in advance,



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You will get finer grain and a very slight loss in sharpness used undiluted. You won`t notice the sharpness loss up to 10x or so. The finer grain shows up much sooner.


If that is a waste of chemistry, so be it. I hate grain. Some don`t care.


If you want really sharp with very sharp pronounced grain, dilute 1:3.

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