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Sinar CLA?


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Ha ha, ever been to Switzerland? Doesn't surprise me much at all. 500 Euros for a flash

tube from SinarBron. 350 Euros for calibrating my Sinar Booster. <br>

I think you're actually getting a good deal considering how weak the dollar is.

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Well, that's partially what I'm questioning. I wouldn't try to lube the geared fine-focus adjustment and the locking levers have some kind of built-in resistance as they tighten down which would also get covered if I sent it in. I'm not so sure I know how to make sure the standards are aligned, either.

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clean, I underderstand.


lube, I understand


Adjust? Have you asked what they are measuring and adjusting? there are several pivot

points & gearing in even a simple view camera that might need adjusting and/or

realigning. My guess is that a lot of this is labor cost for completely disassembling the

camera, inspectign and putting it back together. Good factory trained camera mechanics

aren't cheap.


You might see what S.K. Grimes wants for the job.

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the snap to centre function on some of the sinar stuff bugs the hell out of me.


bottom line is that you have to ignore all the settings and snaps because they are probably out anyway or they soon will be...the only thing that matters is your eye, the loupe and the grid/groundglass.


sinar charge a fortune and they wont send me anything in terms of a manual to do it myself.


for example they produced a zoom2 back which has a dark slide that cant be taken completely out ...so it acts like a huge sail in the slightest gust of wind for exterior shots.


for that metal bit to be modded so that it can be retracted fully..its only a piece of tin!! its half the price of the unit brand new which is a lot.


will they send me an assembly manual.. i think not. so im stuck with an umbrella on night shots even if there is hardly a gust..what a pain the ar@@.

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the rats are leaving the ship with packs of cash on their backs!!


im not suprised...the writings on the wall and they are moving to digital in a big way. They have sacked 40 people in asia recently.


I think the rules of digital might stop some of the fun and games they have have been having with traditional film ....we will see.


i still love film ..the same way that i still love valves in my guitar amps and my meals cooked without microwave.

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