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POP turned pink!

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I've been using Kentmere printing out paper from Chicago Albumen works, with pretty

nice results. I've been using CAW POP toner from Photo Formulary and either Kodak

powdered fixer or plain hypo.


My most recent set of prints came out with a distinct pink tint in the highlights. Think of

if you put some red that bleeds in with your white laundry-- that's something like what it

looks like.


The only thing that I can think if is that maybe it had to do with the fixer. It was a new

batch of the Kodak, but before I used it for the POP, I put some film in it. The film turned

my developer pink, but I didn't notice any color to the fixer.


Any ideas?



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The film was one roll of hp5 and one or two of tri-x. It made my new diafine quite pink,

but nothing that I noticed in the fixer. I can't tell whether the POP is stained or whether it

was actually the emulsion responding to something by turning pink. It's very odd.


I will have to see whether I can reproduce it and maybe narrow down the cause.

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  • 2 months later...

This may be a bit late but I just tripped over the thread. I had the same problem with fixer that was exhausted. I used a fresh fix and away went the pink in the highlights.


I had this same problem when someone swapped my Hypoclear & fixer bottle labels around and I fixed in HCA accidently.


Cheers, Andrew

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