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ZX-5n pop up flash and FA100/3.5 macro: any lens shadow?


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Don't bet the farm on this but I don't imagine the lens itself will cast a shadow (I haven't had problems with similar lenses), but your subject will likely have some pretty harsh shadows from the angle used.


While juggling my daughter in one hand and a MZ-S or ZX-7 with either a 50mm f2.8 Pentax F or 100mm f2.8 FA in the other and taking photos at Orchid shows I haven't had noticeable problem anyway.

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yeah there should NOT be a shadow caused by the lens.

i also have a zx5n and an mz-s with a 100mm f/2.8 FA (which is twice as big as the f/3.5).... and i've never gotten back a photo where there was a shadow caused by the lens. but then again, i dont even recall the last time i used the built in flash on either of these cameras.


actually, i kind of remember reading the pentax manual and it gives a list of lenses that cannot be used with the built in flash. if i remember correctly, all the lenses were very wide angle lenses.

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I have shadow problems with *istD and FA 100/2.8, not with human portraits, but when I try to sell earrings; which even sucks with Metz flashes.


If you want to find out without wasting film, put your camera switched of & poped up on a table , place a box of matches at minimum focus and view everything from the side.

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