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Domain renewal

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<p>I can't imagine continuing to pay $35/yr for domains! I registered my most recent domain with <a href="http://www.godaddy.com/">GoDaddy</a> and just finished up transferring an older domain from Register.com to GoDaddy. The transfer and one month of basic hosting (while we figure out exactly what we need) cost less than $10.</p>


<p>I've used gandi.net in the past; cheap, but located overseas.</p>


<p>Of my three remaining domains, I'll probably switch all to GoDaddy this year. </p>

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www.look.ca will renew .com .org .net for about $16US ($19.95CDN).


Remember, if you are registering a .com .org or .net (and not for a specific country, like .ca or .de) then it really doesn't matter where you renew your registration.


So if you can find a website you trust in another country that offers cheap registration, go for it.


TRUST being the operative word.

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I also use GoDaddy.com, and have been more than happy with them.


One word of advice, though. If you want to switch registrars, do it well before your current registration is due to expire. The time you have remaining will carry over to the new registrar. If you allow your domain to expire (or your registrar delays your transfer long enough that it expires), then your old registrar is the only one that can renew it and you pretty much have to pay whatever price they demand.

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