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Photo folder keep displaying old pictures?


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I made a few revision of my pictures on my portfolios (putting

frames and such), but when it's all done, the pictures that are

shown on the thumbnail on "photo" folder are still the old ones.


I already tried to delete temporary internet files, but the old ones

are still on the thumbnails (although when I click them, it will

show the new ones instead).


It's not a big deal but it's just a bit annoying for me. Anyone

knows how to solve this problem ?





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I see.


How how long before it actually updates the thing ?


I did that around yesterday and it's still showing old portfolio pictures thumbnails..


I thought I have to fix my internet explorer... so what happen is, I have to wait for the main server (photo.net) to make the changes ? (nothing to do with my browser?)



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Hey, control + F5 worked !


Thanks a lot.


So I think basically we have to wait for awhile for the system at P.N. to update itself, then when it's ready just press ctrl+F5 on your photo page...


Now it's showing updated thumbnails already.

Hope others are also seeing the updated version as well...


Thanks !



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I see borders on your pictures just fine.


The thumbnails are served by a different server (thumbs.photo.net), which runs Squid, a caching web proxy. Squid keeps copies of requested files for faster serving, reducing the load on the system. This helps keep photo.net running smoothly. As a result, images are not always refreshed immediately, which you have just experienced. Since there are probably much more "inserts" and "selects" than "updates" of pictures, this normally isn't a problem.


Something similar happens in the gallery: the various views are calculated periodically and the exact same views are then served to all that request them until it is time to re-calculate a view.

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