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why is it always this against that?

alan c.

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"why is it always "digital vs. film" or "Leica vs. SLR" or "Leica vs. Voigtlander and so on?"


Most people want to make it a contest with an outright winner and not a choice of the best tool for the job. This gives the person a chance to vindicate their own personal opinions and equipment choices. I'm with you, there is no versus, only the best tool for the job.


The simplest explanation? They've forgotten the use of the word "or."


Although, versus does mean "in contrast to," so in that light if you are contrasting a choice (one or the other), I suppose it is correct usage.


Also, lot of people need reassurance that the choice they are about to make is right, and if they get positive feedback it gives them the confidence to make the decision.


I just don't subscribe to the idea that there is one definitive choice that is unequivocally "the best." Best is a personal choice, and, for me, is predicated on the working conditions and what end result I need to achieve.


So I could say Holga vs Hasselblad, and without an explanation of what I was shooting and the intended end result - either choice could be the best choice. With a given explanation, a clear "winner" (best equipment choice) for the situation would emerge, only to be superceded for the next imaging situation and "best" choice for that.


Lastly, some people just like to argue, and the "vs" gives them a chance to turn the discussion into a flame war and/or prove how technically savvy they are about things photographic.

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This is all very silly...


It is a fact that a few people have been making things unpleasant around here for everyone. I've read too many posts here and talked by e-mail about it with too many people to pretend that it doesn't exist. There are a number of people here who want all the snide, negative stuff that causes ill-feelings and start wars to stop.


I'd be happy to have a beer with anyone who's not starting trouble. Read my remarks above... I'd be delighted to discuss this privately with Brad or anyone else who wants to.



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Travis (our forum's Koffee), thank you for the gesture of trying to move this forward.


I think Dennis might be struggling with the need to come out the "winner" and be in

control. I put out a good-faith gesture with zero conditions (not asking him to agree to or

say anything). He comes back with a list of conditions, including renouncing my friends,

which of course I won't do, and a bunch more nasty stuff that is even still continuing.


I tried my best, hoping Dennis would rise to the occasion.


Anyone else in New Orleans the week of 3-15? My hotel is in the French Quarter and I love

to shoot - and can even talk about gear. It's a great place!

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"This vs that" arguments unfortunately are based on the assumption that one is better than the other. It would be much more productive to look at each one on its own merits & to understand its characteristics, its capabilities, & its limitations.


Even when one is better than the other, the question becomes better for what, & under what conditions, & at what price. Isn't it odd that these kinds of conversations can take place within the Leica line, i.e. comparing old & new lenses & bodies, while appreciating each for what it is & how it's different & without condemning one vs another. Why can't this be done outside the Leica line?

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Hey, cheer up Dennis, Brad.


First of all it was Travis, Grant ripping each others bollocks off. Then Jeff( old jiffras to his mates), and Al ripping each others bollocks off. Now we have Dennis and Brad ripping each others bollocks off.


The weird thing about it all is that they are all me mates. Jeez, i must be cursed or something.


Must admit it is fun, all that banter. Hey, take some photos, have a beer. That's what it's all about.


Anyway, Z, told his doctor he had stopped wetting himself; now look what you have both done.<div>00B14S-21708584.jpg.a3dd9d897b50c3e474df204040b5324c.jpg</div>

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