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Minox's managers buy-out completed and film price rise


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I was buying film for my Minox B today and I was surprised when my

dealer told me that the Minox's managers buy-out has been fully

completed. Aparently in the last weeks Leica has also sold to the

managers the last 49% it still owned. It sold to the managers the

other part of the stake long time before.



One more thing. Minox will increase the costs of Minox 8x11 film

next month. Aparently, it will be a huge price rise. I guess they

need money until they find a partner who wants to invest on a digital

sensor for a new digital Minox.



I wonder how all this will affect the company.

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I would bet that 98% of Minox film sold goes to folks who have been shooting Minox for

some time. I would bet that the number of people who are seriously engaged in Minox

photography is less than a thousand in the entire world.


It may be time to invest in a splitter and some metal film cassettes. Despite the slight

hassle, it's still better than paying $9 or more for a roll of Minox film.


Unfortunately we have seen the kind of digital cameras Minox offers - gimmicky. What I

want is something the exact same size and shape as my B, with the exact same controls,

but with a 4MP+ digital sensor. I don't think Minox is heading that direction.

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Metal cassettes are no good for LX/TLX/CLX models that have a spring to help lift the cassette.


New empty cassettes are available for 2.20GBP each (under $4 at current rates). Film is available for 4.50GBP each (about $8.10) and that includes recent price changes.


The entire CD and DC line of Minox cameras lack the impact of the 8x11 range and the 35mm (EL/AL/PL/GL/GT/MB/ML/MDC/GT-E/GT-X/GSE/GT-S) range. The 8x11 (even the EC) and 35mm cameras have been seen as expensive but high quality cameras and good user design. The CD and DC ranges are like so many other point and shot camera ranges and no model stands out. They are good cameras and the results from something like the CD155 almost as impressive as that from the 35ML but it does not stand out against cameras from all the other manufacturers.



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