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D2H Price Drop-Just in Time for Christmas?


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Michael, I'm laughing through the pain. I handle the used equipment at my store and we took a mint, used D2H in on trade a week ago for something approaching $2K.



Object Lesson: Digital Cameras are not "investments." For anyone hoping to get decent money in trade on their D2H bodies when the D2X appears, you might as well keep the D2H as a backup.

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Well there is a small specialized market for a 4MP camera. Shooting portrait or landscape would you not rather use a D70 at 900$ or if shooting wide angle an obsolete F5 with a dirt cheap 28mmF2.0MF ?

Shooting action is different and 2000$ is a good price. I dont shoot sports so a D2X at 2000$ is my preference. Any offers? :-P




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<I>Just think about the folks who bought it 6 months ago (before D2x was announced).

</I><P>The real question is: did they get their $1,500 of value out of the camera in

those six months? In otherwords did they get photos they would not have gotten

otherwise? did the camera pay for itself in terms of published and paid for photos?<P>As

Eric points out. Fir a professional a camera is a toll , not an investment. if maintaining the

"value" of your money, buy savings bonds or an IRA or invest in real estate.

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So, any thoughts about a D2X purchase is now on hold. Let them offer a $2000 (or more) rebate on it before I will go near one.


Now, how on earth is such a price drop possible if these guys aren't ripping us off to begin with?!?


And one more thing, all those Nikon users elsewhere should move to the US. Everywhere else the prices stay put at >$4,600.



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The prices for electronics drop very quickly. I think I have mentioned that I bought a 1G Lexar CF card back in March (2004) for $240 from B&H. A friend bought one in September for $130 and then a month later, I bought one for $70. I am sure that Nikon's production cost has been coming down.


Having said that, I have checked B&H's price for the D2H twice since this thread started. Here is

<A HREF="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=productlist&A=details&Q=&sku=300602&is=REG">

a link to B&H's listing for the D2H</A>. So far I am still seeing $3199 and I have checked Adorama also. Until I see some confirmation, I consider this price drop a rumor.

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If this is true, B&H and Adorama should update their web site soon. Eric, any idea whether the camera store you work has received any price drop notification from Nikon? That should be pretty reliable also.


There has been rumors that Nikon will upgrade the D2H to 8MP to compete against the EOS 1D Mark ii. Therefore, this could be part of that change. If there is indeed an 8MP version of the D2H, maybe we don't even need a D2X. That is partly why I don't see the need to be the first one to get any D2X. PMA 2005 should clear up a lot of these issues.

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I gave $1900 for my D100 a couple years ago. Now, I think they can be had for $1250



Anyway, is the D2H and upgrade from the D100? I mean, I'd love to have a DSLR with a

real SLR viewfinder that can actually be used to focus AIS Nikkors, and the that Nikon pro-

body feel is so good, but...

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<I>So, any thoughts about a D2X purchase is now on hold. Let them offer a $2000 (or

more) rebate on it before I will go near one.</I><P>Good! Please don't! that is one less

person on the wait list and one step closer to owning one for someone who'll know what

to do with it.<P>


Your attitiude reminds me of what Bob Weir (Grateful Dead) said in 1969-1970 about

"fans" who wanted concerts to be free: "if you want free entertainment, go jack off!"

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This is great news. This just might mean that *quality* digital SLR's may drop to the point where they're friggin' affordable enough without having to take out a second mortgage...


Oh, and I seriously hope that this news isn't *that* much of a shock to people who've bought the D2H. Sooner or later, once Nikon released a digital SLR that was even more "latest & greatest", the prices were bound to drop. That and on any other digial camera out on the market.

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This is a clear indication that the prices of pro dSLRs are mostly air. It will only be a short before the prices drop to the level of film SLRs with similar features. In my opinion, we have Pentax and Minolta to thank for this development - they have made inexpensive cameras which aren't handicapped like the 300D and D70 are.


I think while I need the D2X or equivalent, I can afford to wait for until what has happened to the D2H price happens to the D2X.


And Ellis, you have nothing to worry about. I'm sure Nikon can produce as many D2Xs as the market will want. Besides, I'm sure that you can persuade someone who bought a D2X at $2000 to sell it for $8000 to you if you have too much money.

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On second thoughts, Ellis, if you are so gifted and successful ( I am not questioning that at all) that you do not care about the prices like many of us and you will pay $100 for a sandwich (because you can not be bothered with the time and hassle), I will be very happy to be your sandwich boy.


How many sandwiches do you eat in day?

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