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High speed film for Indoor use and HC-110??

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I would like to pick a film to use for low light indoor shots

without flash. The setup that I would want to use this with is a

couple of Konica Hexars that have fixed 35mm f2 lenses.


My normal film and developer combo is HP5+ and HC-110 as the

developer. I develope the film myself and then scan on my Canon

FS4000U. If possible I would like a film that would respond well to

this developer.


If anyone has any suggestions that would be great I would also

really appreciate any links to photos showing the results.

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i used HP5 for a long time but never really liked it. i never really got crisp colors (I know its BW) out of it. I always seemed to get muddy greys. i think i used tmax or/and d76 developers. that of course could be the problem.


I was blown away when i used delta 3200 in 120 developed in DDX per the instructions. crisp blacks, good whites. a truely excellent film. if you can use that, its probably the best choice.


never liked tmz 3200 either. i couldn't tell you why i didn't like it, its does have lrg grain though, i just never looked at it and smiled. i think i used tmax developer for it.


i also push neopan recently, in DDX and it came out really nice. not as good as the delta but pretty acceptable if you want a 400 and want to push it.



i should tell you i develop in my bathroom in a quick and dirty sort of way. i also usually shoot portraits and candids in low light (ie regular lighting) thus high speeds.


i don't know about HC, the one time i used it it blew out the entire roll. it looked fried.


DDX is an excellent, low hassel, get a lot out of it, developer made for controllling grain and contrast at high speeds, and i like it a lot.


good luck.

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My favorite high-speed B&W film is Neopan 1600. The real speed is actually close to 1600

and the grain is only a little bigger than Tri-X (actually, about the same as "old" Tri-X). I

haven't tried it in HC-110, but don't see why that combo wouldn't be just fine.


Some people swear by Delta 3200 but I could never get it to work for me.

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I find that HP5+ looks pretty good at 800 when developed in HC-110. Try diluting it at 1+63 (half of dilution B) and develop for maybe 12-13 mins at 24C. Dilution B itself would probably be good too. Or try Tri-X as per the previous poster's suggestion. I would run a test roll with any of these combos before using it for anything critical.
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A *lot* of it has to do with the look you want and the type of grain. Assuming that you have chosen the HC-110 with these needs in mind the two films suggested (HP5 and Tri-X) are equally well suited. My personal preference would go for the HP5 (although not with that developer).
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