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NO purple negatives here!

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In fact no negatives;XTOL failure strikes again. I was under the

impression that the problems with XTOL had been solved? I have used

the product for over three years without a problem & I am very

satified with the results.I even scoffed at the posts suggesting that

the product was defective.To add insult to injury the failure came

with a four roll tank full of negatives.Some of the exposures can be

retaken next summer in simlilar lighting conditions.The fourth roll

hawever is irreplacable & is of an alien spaceship which landed in my

yard for engine repairs!What is the latest on an XTOL substitute! I

have been very happy with the results of XTOL & Delta films.I have

also appreciated,untill yesterday,it's very good shelf life(which

suddenly became seconds not months).

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The aliens probably zapped your film. I doubt the Xtol was at fault. To recover the latent image you'd need Inversol, a secret formula generally unknown outside NASA and the military. It contains exclusively reducing agents and restrainers that have been through a wormhole which are then dissolved in heavy water.


The film is then processed at zero gravity. Unless you own your own space program or, at a minimum, a satellite, you'd have to get the U.S. or the Russians to do the job - maybe some other country that isn't admitting anything right now.


At any rate, you'd never see your negatives again so it doesn't matter. They'll claim it got lost in the mail. Or a sundog ate it.


And don't worry too much about missing those alien photos. Now that they know where you live, and you know that they know, they'll be visiting you regularly. You just won't remember it.

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The problems are not gone. Two years ago my almost failure was traced to a 5L package beyond shelf life. At the time the packs were not dated. They are good for two years unmixed. After that, they will mix fine with no clumping of part A and you can even do a clip test to check activity, but it won`t properly develope a full roll in 8 oz. My batch was less than a week old, mixed in distilled water at 900 degrees, and stored in full small glass bottles.


I am trying again now that the packs are dated, but frankly I seem to be getting as good a result with D76 not diluted as with xtol not diluted.


My almost failure was some landscapes with a late spring snow that just piled up on the trees, blue sky, and the ice had already melted on the lakes and streams. I will probably never see these conditions again. They print on grade 4.

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Thanks for the replies;my XTOL was on "my" shelf for about 3 months & then mixed two days before use (& two days before the aliens arrived).I was hoping to give the aliens a contact sheet & a few 8X10's to take home for the kids & just to prove they actually had been to Earth!Naturally I would have to tone the prints for permenance as the aliens are from a few light years a way!BTW I got ZIP nothing not even a edge marking.The solution was mixed at about 30C & mixed well.I am p####d as I really liked (past tence) the stuff.
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Ronald;Just how do you mix at 900 degrees? maybe I am missing something? Maybe my alien friends can enlighten me?

David;This is not a joke;I realised this when I found a dismembered cow on my lawn after the aliens left.I am also uncertain how I finished up with circles & patterns in my grass!

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There is a bigger better Inversol version available from a Dallas Texas vendor; called Texersol.<BR><BR> It has a tighter grain; higher effective real speed; longer shelf life. This is an old Okie formula; which adds a pinch of Hoppes #9 to reduce the purple in negatives. <BR><BR>The older secret formula was laundry bluing; this boosted speed; like the old Ethol Blue mash. Alot of the XTOL uses Vitamin C; a B complex variant works better with color emulsions. <BR><BR>There is also a Texersol variant in Louisana that uses nutria eye as an accelerator. Many texts confuse the eye of nutria with the eye of newt; and the accelerator has way less superadditivity.<BR><BR> The <b>Lex</b>ersol variant in Louisana has an added Tabasco agent; in place of plain Metol. The Tabasco has a higher charge than Metol; and is locally available. One of the byproducts of the developing process of Lexersol is a salt; usefull in a shrimp/crab boil. Add the shrimp after the development; and never before. The acid stop is rarely added to the shrimp boil; but makes a decent dressing with greens; along with red beans and rice.<BR><BR> Jax beer once was used as a super additive agent; but is no longer available. With Jax; alot of folks used Dr Pepper as a stop bath; with surplus fixer; and salt water as a hypo remover. Throwing the film in the bayou was not really that critical; unless the gators were hungry. One side effect is a pulled leg.<BR>
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Some of Pat Gainer's posts (I think), and silvergrain.org, talk about Xtol life, and potential problems with age and water. A good substitute for Xtol that avoids the problem would be almost any other developer. If you want to mix your own soup, Pat's TEA seems to be highly thought of. I gave up on TMX, but recently got some really good results using FX37 from TFDC. It might do as well or better on Delta films. Then there's always D-76/ID-11. Lazy as I am, I never process more than one roll at a time, preferring small disasters to large ones.
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If you care to use a scale there is a choice of ascorbate developers at silvergrain.org .I have been mixing a 5x concentrate of DS-12 and developing TMX 12m 68F,Pan F 9m 68F in the 1:4. A half empty bottle of 5x concentrate kept under Tetenal Protectan gas but exposed to air once a month was OK till 5 months when it started to give lower negative density.Obligingly it also went lager brown color to warn of this.
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Whilst I appreciate the reccomendation of some of the lesser known "brews" I live in Canada & importing "white powders" could be a problem in more ways than one!At this time I have available,locally,Agfa products with which I am unfamiliar with.My only other supplier is,yuk,a large chain drug store which has untill recently had a decent supply of Ilford products.They now only stock Ilford Ilfosol which I feel is not a bad developer but does not have fine grain & has a short shelf life.They also stock Ilford Ilfotec DDX which I am also unfamiliar with.IF,at the drug store,I move over a couple of isles I can purchase Viagra which is said to perk up "negative"things! This may be a good alternative but just how good is Viagra diluted two to one for a "one shot" development? Does Viagra have a good shelf life? Can I use divided Viagra for better economy?
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XTOL uses isoascorbic acid, the mirror image of Vitamin C. These are not interchangeable in the human body, so why should they be in the developing tank? My theory is that the walls of your stainless steel tank were too highly polished, thus converting the isoascorbic acid to the ascorbic and throwing the whole formula out of kilter.


If that sounds reasonable to anyone here, you are even crazier than I am.

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