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Acros 100

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I just encountered the same problem. I had a roll of Neopan 100 Acros which I wanted to develop in Rodinal and found a recommended time of 1+25 @ 20 C for 7 min. The negs came out fairly contrasty but the original scene was also very high contrast. It is the only recommended time I found so that's all I can suggest. Hope this helps.



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....Yes freddy I did get YOUR answer before,I haven't forgotten,I just want some more opinion on the matter!

Also I am Addressing this to rodinol users, and hope to get answers about 1:25 dilutions as well!

That way I can make an informed discision on the matter!


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I see no data on those PDFs regarding Rodinal. The method I recommend for establishing data when none is availabe is to use the typically recommended development times (at a given dilution) for a given developer when used on other films as a baseline.


For example, if the typical time for developing most or many films in D76 at a 1:1 dilution is 10 minutes, that's the baseline time I'd use for a film for which no data is available for developing that film in D76.


Expose the film according to its nominal ISO speed - you can make adjustments to this later according to your preferences.


Develop a few frames - a test strip - at the baseline time your research indicates would seem to be suitable as a starting point.


Based on the results, adjust your development times until you get the desired results, using a few frames of your test roll or rolls for each test.


It's time consuming, tedious and the only way to determine the best development time for a given exposure index based on your metering habits and other factors.

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