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Al Kaplan, Self Portraits. Happy 62!


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Thanks, Missy! Yup, that good looking guy with the bushy head of hardly-any-grey hair turned 62 today, and thanks to Missy's encouragement I've been wandering through my days and nights lately carrying that Bessa L/15mm Skopar combo and taking pix of myself! Pictures alone, pictures with friends. What I really need to do is print up more of them. There are nearly two dozen rolls so far, most just still hanging in the darkroom! And the wonderful Ms. McKolay has kindly offered to scan and post them. Of course she gets to keep the prints;-) I suppose I should be the True Gentlemen, and so I'll say it here in public for all to see:


Missy, if your husband throws you out on your ear out of jealousy of all those pix of me that'll be all over your house you can always stay here at my house, and I'll even let you use the darkroom!

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Thanks, everyone, for all the good wishes. So far it's been a great day indeed. As for the Klan, I doubt I'd be very welcome in those racist "white power" circles. I lived with a black Jamaican woman (she didn't want to remarry) for over ten years, helped raise her 2 sons, and we're still good friends. Her brother is my accountant. But I'm easy to get along with and I used to have some redneck bass fishing buddies before they all moved out of the Miami area. We just didn't discuss girlfriends.
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