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Tank that doesn't leak!

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I'm looking for a developing tank that doesn't leak. I tried a

Patterson's tank and reels, but it leaked. Now I have an old SS Nikor

tank with Hewes reels - love the reels, but the tank leaks.


I would prefer a tank that could hold SS reels. Is there one that has

a screw on top and O-ring seal? I don't really care, just as long as

it seals tightly.


Thanks, Nick

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I had an assortment of various SS tanks with plastic covers and also full-stainless units. It seemed that the plastic ones wore out at the spout cover (or crack) and the steel tanks eventually would weep around the main cover edge. I'm now using all steel units and taking the time to put some 3M (type 33) black stretchy electrical style tape around the seam. I got in the habit of using this type of tape for vessels and sieves at work and now use it at home for darkroom duty. It's very elastic and readily forms an efficient seal over the cover-to-tank seam. I've never had the SS pour spouts develop leaks but I hated to have darkroom chemical dripping where I didn't want it to (especially staining developers) and this keeps the main cover sealed up tight.
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I have...3 Nikkor tanks now, all with the plastic tops. None of them leak, even when I'm agitating the 4-reel (35mm) tank, which is quite a bit of liquid.


Maybe you just need new lids.


For what it's worth, I have an Omega plastic tank that I use with plastic reels, with an O-ring, and it still leaks.



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Nick -- "burping" a Paterson tanks lid the way you would a Tupperware lid stops the leaking 99 percent of the time.<P>I guess that burping it creates a slight vacuum so air wants to leak into the tank instead of liquid flowing out (and down your extended arms finally residing in your arm pits).<P>There are some plastic tanks with "O" Rings made by AP Industries.<P>They're OK (but rather slippery -- harder to grip then the Paterson's).<P>One other thing about the AP Industries tanks are the reels that sometimes come with the tank.<P>One type, seen <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=008fvE"><b>here</b></a> are the best plastic reels made.
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I use the 2500 and 2800 print tanks on a motor. If the tanks leaked I'd run the risk of shorting myself out-) A couple of weeks ago the big print tank was leaking. Turned out I hadn't put the thing together right. Basically the only times my tanks have leaked is when I've failed to get everything just right. I blame those sorts of failures on me and not the tank.
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