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Favorite developer and film speed to use with FP4

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BTW, the main problem I had with exposing FP4+ at the nominal speed of 125 was that I couldn't get satisfactory midtone separation in the developers I tried: Ilfosol-S, ID-11, Rodinal. Shadow detail was satisfactory but the midtones defied easy printing.


Downrating the film to half the nominal speed solved the problem, at least in ID-11. I never got around to trying it at that speed in another developer.


BTW, FP4+ at 250 is excellent in Diafine. Outstanding for use in extremely contrasty lighting. One of my photo.net folders contains four nighttime photos under a full moon using this combination.

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Lex, I'm finishing a roll of FP4+ -rated 64- on my M2 and want to soup it on HC-110-B. What times/temps and agitation schemes have worked for you? I have a Jobo CPE-2 in case you suggest continous agitation (works beautifully with some film/dev combos). I'm striving for maximum compatibility between scanner and enlarger, thus not much contrast (should print OK in grade 3) but not thin negatives either. Of course finest grain is much desired although not the main consideration. Thanks for your insights.
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Hmmm - wow- a veritable plethora of opinion and options! I should have clarified further what I'm looking into it for... I'm going on a trip to Spain, and I'll be taking my Hassy X-Pan with me, along with my regular Hasselblad stuff. I'm looking for a film to displace Tmax and T400cn in my film bag, as I'm quite tired of the hard-to-control and hard-to-print negs I get with those films. While I love the grainless nature of T400cn, especially when shot at 100, I find that it is just a pain to print highlights, even when doing split-grade printing on VC paper. I do like the Bergger BPF200, but I'm thinking of something a tad slower to use with 35mm since I find that the Bergger (developed in PMK Pyro) is a bit grainier than I'm used to (not objectionable, esp. in 2 1/4 format, but still). I like the tone and texture of the more traditional film better, now that I've shot some. So that is the genesis of this quest. I may try the FP4 in PMK at 64, for a test roll or two, to see how it comes out.

Many thanks to everyone for all their recommendations!

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The only reason for my modification of the original Pat Gainer's formula is the extension of the dev time. I prefer times similar to D76 1 + 1 rather than stock. I am often forced to process my films at 22 - 24 deg. C. With the proportions I use the times are more manageable.


I too would be grateful for the TEA-based concentrate formula, although I'm not sure I will be able to get TriEthanolAmine here.



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9 grams ascorbic acid


.25 grams phenidone


100ml TEA


heat the TEA in a pyrex container in the microwave for 30 sec.-1 minute, and add the ascorbic acid. When it is dissolved, add the phenidone. Be careful, because the TEA will get VERY hot without boiling. I think it boils at something like 600F. It's best to start with 30 sec. to 1 minute, and if the Ascorbic acid doesn't dissolve with some stirring, heat it up a little until it does.


Dilute the concentrate 1:50 for use.



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Jay, The red color happened during the second heating of the TEA which was necessary since the ascorbic acid crystals hadn't completely dissolved. Phenidone wasn't added as yet. Anyway, next time I'll be more careful with the heating. Despite this the developer seems too work great. In general I believe most people have found that times for Delta 100 and FP4+ are the same or at least very close.
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