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Permit for photographing NY subway?


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In my opinion the ban is meaningless. What does irk me is the Times bringing it to the attention of the passengers I plan on shooting. I'm having visions of an angry and deranged 'South Park' type mob dragging my lifeless body repeatedly through the doors in between cars. Then dumping it at that rat infested station at 14th street on the 6 line.


Note to self: pick up some pepper spray.

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Oven cleaner is legal and was once advocated by Darrel Mulroy, a Minneapolis self-defense trainer. Use of it would cause serious injury or death for the attacker, unlike pepper spray. Not a bad thing in itself (since you wouldn't use it except to stop a life-threatening attack), just be aware of the likely results.


The main issue with picture-taking is the difficulty of staying aware of your surroundings. Having a buddy to watch your back would help.

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These sorts of bans are imposed by bureaucrats acting on behalf of politicians, both of whom are bereft of any creative impulse. Thus they try to prevent anyone with creative impulses because it reminds them of just what a load of mediocrities they really are. These official blockheads try to tell you they're doing it 'for your own protection' in 'the public interest'. No they are not - they are people with the intellectual compass of earthworms who clutter up this planet and whose continued existences serve no useful purpose.
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Every government agency is scrambling to get "with the program" (I abhor this expression) in the war against terrorism... (really, WHAT terrorism? The message of 9/11 was made already!). The truth is that every damned incompetent ninkompoop is trying to have some legislation or rule or law passed for the sake of recognition. Really, what a joke. I see this as yet another plot by subway employees who are never seen doing any kind of work, and are fearful of being photographed (as happened during the 60s, when they were caught going to work to go to sleep, instead of working).


The idiots are forgetting one minor detail: that if anything does happen in the subway system, someone with a camera can take photos for the sake of recording events and possible perpetrators!

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