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There are some talented and knowledgable photographers on this site

who submit many images for critique but neither respond to received

comments nor comment on others' images. Is this a fair attitude to

take and how can they be encouraged to reciprocate in an un-matey way?

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Hanna, there may be reasons such as language barrier or lack of available available time. It may not be perceived as fair, but one might consider their images as contribution to site content. Consider photographers such as one well known for Painting with Light - completely understandable that he would have little to say about majority of images from those who comment or rate his work. <br><br>Not everyone seek to interact with others, and since interaction is voluntary, I probably wouldn't pay much attention (or take it personally).
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Michael, I certainly don't take it personally. In some cases it's evident language isn't a barrier. I simply feel that if they expect others to take time to critique their images that some sort of reciprocation is helpful. And no, I'm not talking about rating. Their images may be considered as their contribution but if there is little technical info given and almost no interaction then they can be seen as little more than 'coffee table' offerings, imvho.
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This is a community, and a very open one indeed, and its characteristic has always been that members get to define on their own prerogative what their level and form of participation is. There's dozens of ways to contribute, be it posting photos, comments, ratings, talking in forums, etc. I find that it's perfectly acceptable for each one to do whichever of the above they feel like and to whatever extent they can.


Sure, it is very enjoyable to interact with people here, give and receive feedback and opinions, but it's not a neccessity for that to happen all the time. And it doesn't mean that when interaction is not multi-faceted, it also happens to be of lesser value. We all know at least one member here who rarely posts comments and chooses to not showcase his work. (or maybe he is just a lover of the art and not a craftsman) Yet he rates consistently, justly and in hefty volume, an activity that is actually a service to the site. Others can't be bothered to rate and only post photos - I know at least a couple fantastic photographers who haven't rated more than a few dozen pictures in years. There's at least one member with an empty portfolio who has blessed us with hundreds of well-writen, thorough and captivating critiques. And there are quite a few people who do a little bit of everything and will take the time to write something about your photos in exchange for your effort. People come and go, spent active and inactive periods, but the community has a big population and always works more or less.


So long as people stick to the rules and don't try to abuse the system, I'm happy to hold no expectation on how they perticipate, just like I wouldn't hold my own self bound by any obligations either.

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I understand your feelings, Hanna, but it's still true that people do things for their own reasons, and that interaction is voluntary. Some may feel uncomfortable commenting in public as it "brands" an individual with a public persona. It's also not their fault that comments or ratings come flooding in.<br><br>If there's a photographer in particular you'd like input from, why not contact them direly? I've found many high profile members to be quite personable and helpful individuals, albeit not terribly chatty in public.
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I'm certainly not expecting members to feel obligated to take any specific role. I appreciate that many choose to contribute in their own way. I was simply curious as to why someone would post a critique request with every submission they make but never be inclined to give a critique or to take part in discussion on their own image. There is a dearth of true critique out there as can be seen on the majority of requests. It's a shame so many have been put off by unpleasant response, but I can't blame them for that. When I joined 3 years ago it was quite different. Michael, you're probably right in that the direct approach is the way to go.
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Hey, Hanna.


People are different, you looks for interesting for youself.

Some of them put here photos only for " It is there", some for making there more expensive, some for only it's free photo posts...

So, there are fousends of people here, speek to interesting for you.


Hey, maybe you some sadly today? Don't worry. World is wondeful. If you whant, send me a letter, good luck.

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I don't count myself in the group you describe, but I used to comment extensively. However, I made a few missteps, initiated a conflict, or two, wandered into a few wars, etc.


As it turned out, I found that not everyone wanted to hear my opinion because sometimes it was mean, or wasn't favorable, or failed to conform to some grammatical code, or I was rude, or preceived as rude, or whatever.


So, I quit.


I have a tighter circle of friends now because it's less stressful to me, and to the membership at large.

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Doug, I can understand your reaction and resolution. I guess when you're dealing with people in these circumstances there are all sorts of sensitivities that arise. It's just a shame to throw the baby out with the bath water. Your wider participation is missed (by me at least) but your critiques of the few are still informative.
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