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Photo.net grammar police?!?

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I just had a post denied because I used 3 exclamation points at the

end of saying "TIA for all your help". The error message said that

one exclamation point was "usually" sufficient.


This is a joke, right? Something installed on April Fool's Day and

forgotten about to clean it up?


I can't believe system resources on a site badly in need of all the

resources it can muster is wasting them on this. I know it's not

using a lot of computing power to spit back this error message, but

couldn't it still be put to better use? Such as a spell checker to

find typos?


I can't believe anyone at Photo.net cares how many exclamation

points I use at the end of a sentence. Besides, what if multiple

characters were vital to my post? What if I were relaying an error

message I had received from some software that used 3 or more

exclamation points? I'm sure we've all seen this...


Can anybody tell me why anyone would bother with such a minor little

censoring? I don't really care, but I just find it very odd...


Who's with me?

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I imagine that gentle grammar reminder (genteel grammar reminder?) has been there since a few people could manage the site relatively easily. Now we have a few people managing the site and they're totally overloaded, so I doubt they'll go into the code to pull it...


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The so-called Bozo filters are an ancient part of the photo.net forums system. Apparently, the forum you (wanted to) post in, has some filters installed. I am quite certain that during the last couple of years, no effort has been put into programming these filters.


(Of course, Bozo filters were intended to keep people from posting aparature, Nikkon, Phillip Greenspan etc.)

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Gary's probably referring to the B&W forums where I have, indeed, used the bozo filters to exclude the overuse of exclamation marks.


Sorry, folks, but I was forced into this decision by one particular participant who persistently ended EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE with multiple exclamation marks, regardless of whether the sentence was a simple declarative or a question. (This person continues to end every sentence with a single exclamation mark, apparently oblivious to the hint I tried to give.)


I'm not usually picky about lapses in grammar, spelling or punctuation but this one was too much to stomach on a repeated basis. And I doubt that use of the bozo filters consumes any valuable photo.net resources or bandwidth. I certainly don't see how it amounts to censorship.


If I'm presented with some reasonable basis for reconsidering this decision, other than that it presents a simple inconvenience to one's desire for enthusiastic self expression, I'll do so!!!

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I've always been intrigued with having a wiki on photo.net, which is an online collaboration system where everybody can edit/delete everything.


We could actually do a form of it on photo.net by creating a forum in which every photo.net was automatically a moderator, with full powers to delete and edit posts. Might be interesting to try it.

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