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Polaroid T/55 ....Hardening Question

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I?m a little puzzled about the process of ﷯Polaroid﷯ T/﷯55﷯ negatives,

and I hope to get some clarification to my doubts in this forum.

From archives I learned that ﷯Heico﷯ Perma Wash bath is used for at

least one minute to clear the exposed film. Then, for the second

step, a ﷯hardening﷯ bath should be used. My question is: could the ﷯

hardening﷯ bath be constituted by just a solution of diluted ﷯Heico﷯

Harderen (for the NH-5 rapid fixer) but without the fixer?


I would appreciate any answer.

Thank you

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Sorry for the unclear posting. Here is as follow:




I?m a little puzzled about the process of Polaroid T/55 negatives, and I hope to get some clarification to my doubts in this forum.

From archives I learned that Heico Perma Wash bath is used for at least one minute to clear the exposed film. Then, for the second step, a hardening bath should be used. My question is: could the hardening bath be constituted by just a solution of diluted Heico Harderen (for the NH-5 rapid fixer) but without the fixer?


I would appreciate any answer.

Thank you

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Polaroid's <a href="http://www.polaroid.com/global/printer_friendly.jsp?


3">technical sheet on processing the negative</a> suggests sodium sulfite cleaning and

says to use only a hardener, not a fixer, on the cleaned neg.


I am shooting the neg at ISO 32, and using Ilford hardener for about 5 minutes after

cleaning the neg in the sulfite solution. I don't process the neg when I take a picture - I

wait until later and process them off line (I "release" the exposed sheet so I don't break the

chemicals). 20 minutes wash with some running water followed by a bit of Photo-flo in

distilled water and drip dry.


I picked up Ansel Adams book on Polaroid photography (used) - he mentions the use of a

selenium toner step - anyone ever try that?

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