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Why are Photographers (artists whatever..) , so serious?


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Marc, you can continue to whine and bemoan my actions, but you're simply wrong.

Got it? Good. Don't like it? Tough toenails. Gonna' continue harping on my legal

actions repeatedly? That's stalking behavior, and abuse.


As we can see, this is not relevant ot travis's thread, which is about people being too

serious. Here, Marc is just being childish because I don't do what he wants me to do.

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Bailey, �[� Z, you have to be blind to not realize that Marc is expressing the sentiments (and possibly the frustrations) of a large number of people who have posted photographs on this site, but who are too timid to do anything about it. Marc is the only one who has stood up and asked the questions they would like answered. You hide behind "artistic temperament," �legalities of abiding by photo.net rules� and so on. These are just smoke screens. <B>�What�s your game?�</B>

<P>We know that you�re not a cretin with respect to knowledge of photography, so why do you persist in this obsessive quest that, while not violating the rules and laws of photo.net, is disruptive to the <B><I>spirit of photo.net</B></I>, which is surely the more important variable? Your numerous ratings, without so much as a comment, do not help anyone. If anything, they seem to have aroused contempt for you. Is that what you want, fame? Or do you like being viewed as a major irritant?

<P>40,000 ratings equates to 800 per month for 50 straight months, or over 25 per day for 1,500 days straight. I wish I had that kind of discipline for anything! Do you have any tips for me?

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No game.


You don't like it? Okay, don't like it. Ignore it. But it's part of photo.net and ratings are

appreciated by those who run the site. Don't like that? Get the rules changed.


Got a complaint? Send it to abuse@photo.net


If it's not abuse? For someone who's brought this up repeatedly, it just becomes



Marc says he's already done something about it. Doesn't seem that way, unless that

something is hounding me. If that's *his* game, then that is abusive behavior on


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Yes Bailey, I have done something about it whether or not you care to admit it... I did

the math others are now also doing.


And, I will continue to ask the direct question you keep skirting... HOW can you

provide a decent evaluation of anyone's work and crank out 40,000 ratings? It may be

legal for you to do so here, but so is challenging the premise by pointing out the

mediocrity of mass ratings concerning people's creative efforts.


To use your lawyer logic, don't read the thread if you don't like it, because you can't

do anything about it... and if you can, it will reveal to everyone that there is indeed a

"game afoot".

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That's the thing, Tim. I posted three serious posts to this thread, whereupon a series

of snipes and whines arose that had nothing to do with the topic. It's the whiners who

need to get a grip, because while I have not started this, I'm not going away either.

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Herr Hans Beckert,


I have to laugh. I clicked on your name and your profile says that you have been on this forum since November 13, 2003, which is just over two months. During this time you have posted 935 times! This must be some sort of record. That's 102 per week, or about 15 a day for 64 days straight. You're obviously in the same league as AZ Bailey when it comes to obsessive traits, though as you say, you have different hobbies!


To get back to the issue at hand. Nobody's suggesting that AZ Bailey's breaking any rules or anything remotely close to that. Someone asked him an innocent question as to why he has posted almost 40,000 ratings without offering constructive criticism of any sort, and AZ Bailey cites the rules of photo.net and talks about people attacking him. It's absurd logic. Bailey has knowledge of photography and what is a good photograph, but is not willing to share any of it with those he crucifies with a low rating. Don't you think that people at least deserve a comment on low (or high, or medium) rated photos? People were just trying to engage Bailey in a dialogue, but he chooses to hide behind the US Constitution.

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Vic hat mir geschrieben:


"To get back to the issue at hand. Nobody's suggesting that AZ Bailey's breaking any rules or anything remotely close to that. Someone asked him an innocent question as to why he has posted almost 40,000 ratings without offering constructive criticism of any sort, and AZ Bailey cites the rules of photo.net and talks about people attacking him. It's absurd logic. Bailey has knowledge of photography and what is a good photograph, but is not willing to share any of it with those he crucifies with a low rating. Don't you think that people at least deserve a comment on low (or high, or medium) rated photos? People were just trying to engage Bailey in a dialogue, but he chooses to hide behind the US Constitution."


People 'deserve' only what they pay for...

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<i> why so angry? </i><p>


I don't know why you're so angy and trolling, Dennis. I suspect it relates to a post you

made on another thread in which, like Marc, you whined about my rating your photos

without what you considered due deference. If that's why you're trolling now, it makes

you a pretty small fellow indeed, p^ssywillow.

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Wasn't there another thread somewhere, perhaps now deleted, about how some poor guy pulled all of his photos off photo.net because of you? Am I right? Actually, the guy is a pretty good photographer and I'm sorry to see him go. I would much prefer to see an obviously untalented, frustrated artiste (without any good photos to show) like you leave.


While we're at bitching, why don't you tell the folks here how in just the last hour you went back to my site and hit the few remaining photos you had not alrewady rated? Now, AZ, who is trying to provoke whom?

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