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Kodak 400NC pushed

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I have not pushed 400NC because I can grab a roll of Portra800 out of my freezer. I

regularly shoot both in 35mm and 120/220. 400NC has plenty of latitude to handle a

push, but I recommend professional processing & printing. See Kodak's website for

specs etc.

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Igor, according to Ctein's tests in Photo Techniques magazine

(don't have issue's date at my fingertips), 400NC gained no additional

shadow speed from push2 processing, just extra contrast and grain.

For this reason I never tried it and consequently lack sample images.

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Thanks for input. Bill, I want extra contrast, especially "edge contrast" and not oversaturated skin tone. I will do some experiments by myself and post the results in a different thread.
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Here's what Ctein wrote in the Mar/Apr 2001 issue of Photo Techniques magazine: "The two Portra 400 films [NC and VC] benefited least from

push processing. Both gained 1/3 stop or less in speed; it was only

their increased contrast that made underexposed negatives on these

films print well. Given the deterioration of image quality with push

processing, there is no reason to push either film except to gain

contrast." Of course this is the same Ctein who found old NPH to be

faster than 400 speed, cough cough.

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