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Mamiya 645 1000s vs Pro TL


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What exactly is the advantage of moving up from the Mamiya 1000s to the Pro TL body. Of course everybody is

going to say the Pro TL has interchangeable backs instead of inserts. However, you still have to load those backs

with 120/220 inserts so what's the point.

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<p>The point is that you can change from colour to b/w, or fast to slow film, or normal film to infra-red, part-way through a roll. Also, if you ever photograph an event that moves quickly, you can have more than one back loaded up in advance to lose less time reloading during the event.</p>
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<p>I've had both models and both are excellent cameras. I've never used interchangeable backs on my Pro TL. They're pretty much only needed if you use Polaroid or need to change films mid-roll; it's much faster just to swap out a pre-loaded film insert otherwise. What I liked about the 1000s was it has an FP synch, which let me use flashcubes/bulbs for fill flash at higher shutter speeds. Granted, it's unlikely that would be important to any other Mamiya owner!<br>

But I would still go with the Pro TL if you can afford it simply because it will be a much newer camera. The reason I got rid of my 1000s, and the older 645 before it, was that both developed erratic frame spacing, an annoying problem with some older 120 cameras. It's expensive to get repaired and makes the camera almost useless, especially if the frames are actually overlapping.</p>

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"The reason I got rid of my 1000s, and the older 645 before it, was that both developed erratic frame spacing


I had the same problem with my M645 that's why I moved up to the 1000s. I 'm hoping to get maybe another year or 2 from my 1000s until I move up to the Pro TL. Allot of people complain about the weight of the M645 and the 1000s, but I appericate the all metal body. Right now I see no sence in moving up to the AF 645 since I would have to purchase all new lenses.

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<p>Interchangeable backs makes it easy to change film mid-roll. Very nice option, if you need it. Meaningless if you don't. I have not needed it, but it's nice to know it's there.</p>

<p>Using multiple backs loaded with the same film is a little faster than using one back and changing inserts, and a little safer when changing film in bright sunlight.</p>

<p>Pro TL has TTL flash exposure control, the others don't. Not important if you don't use flash. I don't use flash.</p>

<p>I have <em>heard </em>that the gears/build quality of the Pro/ProTL is better than on previous models. I cannot confirm this as I have never had any of the previous models.</p>

<p>But if the 1000S does all that you want, why change?</p>

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<p>In addition to the above:</p>

<p>With the Super/Pro/ProTL you gain convenience if you switch between tripod-mounted and handheld with the motor drive grip - the drive grip attaches at the side rather than underneath where the tripod mount is.</p>

<p>With the Super/Pro/ProTL you lose 8 second timed exposures, and you lose <em>very </em>low light metering sensitivity (not as good as the -1 eV with the older PD prism on the 1000s)</p>

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<p>As others say the age - unless you use flash the Pro and pro TL are effectively identical although the TL is generally newer. With the motor wind on and the AE prism these cameras handle like an SLR. Indeed they are probably lighter than my 1DIN and even the 5DII with a lens like the 24-70 F2.8 is a lot more camera to hand hold. The Mamiya lenses are smaller than the new EF primes!</p>
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