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Image Comments posted by melanie_trowbridge

    Blacklight Back

    The photograph is plenty appeasing without the complete backside. Try cutting the photo off at the lower back. The curves of the lines on the back alone would be sensual instead of sexual.
  1. I understand that you were trying to capture the audience, but I think that the photo has too many areas of light to focus on. The lights from the foreground drown out the fireworks themselves and the streetlights and lights on the building also detract from the overall effect.



    Boat at Sunset

    I used to go fishing with my dad some times early in the morning. You've captured the stillness of the water and "the quiet" of the morning. Very crisp water, love the positioning of the boat. great shot.
  2. I think that both of you are good photographers who need to be a little more proud of your work . . . from a woman, that is.


    I think the photo in question is a good shot. I agree with Ken that the boat needs to be repositioned a bit in the final formatting, but it provides enough focus for the viewer to make this more than an average shot.

  3. Funny, but the thing that attracted me to this photo was the sickly olive tint of the morning sky. It may be a bad print, but I like the effect. The emotion it conveys is waking up to a day that you don't want to go through with, one of those days that you wish would be over before it starts.
  4. As a child, I visited the Philippines with my parents. I was overwhelmed by the poverty and missed much of the beauty. I think that's why I enjoyed this folder so much. You conveyed a different version of the Philippines than I remembered.


    Eugene, I didn't think anything special about this photograph when I first saw it. I was not really impressed...UNTIL...I saw the spiders. I love the spiders on these flowers. The stark white and the spindley legs. You have got to figure out a way to retake this shot and enhance the spiders, perhaps focusing only on one flower.
  5. I love the colors and I understand why you took the shot. I've been reading a lot about the color red in photography and must admit that I've been on a "red kick" lately, so the photo satisfies that part of me, but like the other folks have mentioned, the background is a bit distracting and it doesn't seem as sharp as it could be.
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