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Image Comments posted by jim_read


    Lovely shapes and forms, the curves are so beautiful. Would be ever so grateful if you would email me Kat. My addy is jrbham@btinternet.com Thanks - Jim

    Hot Dog Stand


    Brilliant Joe, worthy of Cartier Bresson.

    I love the 'closeness' feel about it, in fact looking at it again its worthy of Andre Kertesz!!

  1. This is a contemporary image done by someone who knows that this has been done hundreds of times before and who needed to transcend the act of merely copying. The picture succeeds in doing this, admirably. Thank you Katrina


    The contrast between Jenny's hair, her back and the material is too great, a reflector to lighten her back would have made all the difference, to get some idea of what a photograph will look like in these circumstances squeeze your eyes nearly shut and you will see the shadows as deeper pools of tone and be able to correct for them. Otherwise the idea is good and you and Jenny should spend some more time exploring it.
  2. I'd looked at the second one first, this one has a harmony about it that is not present in the other. It's surprising what a shift in position can do to an image. It has a tranquillity about it but I still feel the 'waiting'. Oooh and the B & W one after cropping is much better Duotone might improve it even more.
  3. OK Anthony you may not be as good as Albert, but if you've only just made a start this is good, very good. If you can, do lots more work with your model, she is very good as well. Together you will produce some great work. Stick at it.


    This is what I would call a 'cool' photograph, I'm 57 by the way, it has a good feel about it. My eye is led through by the right pillar on a third to the left side of the distant archway, also on a third.


    Might be the name of the place through the arch, redundant workers behind the camera. As for the arch, it should be crooked, no doubt it was. Superbly tackled and presented, well done Jeff.


    Curves make images beautiful, these curves are almost erotic. There are many images of this subject, anyone can see why, this one floats to the top of the pile.
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