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I like the lighting (use of shadows) as mentioned above, but the thing that really makes this shot work for me is the contrast of textures. The rough rope in relation to the smooth skin. Nice job.
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What's the point? There's no context for the rope and her expression doesn't say anything either; there's no real dynamism in the pose--i.e., it pretends to have energy when it's really just posed. I also think the use of oil on her skin detracts from the "tonality" you might've achieved had you left her ungreased. For a good example of this low-key nude stuff, take a look at some of the nudes in Albert Watson's book "Cyclops".
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Maybe You are right. This photo is a part from largest serie. Some of other photos have interaction betvean girl and rope. But any way

it is wrong to compare my work with work of Albert Watson. I am doing photography for one year and this is one of my first attempts of nude photography. A. Watson have "little bit" more expirience than me. But I will try to be better :-))

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OK Anthony you may not be as good as Albert, but if you've only just made a start this is good, very good. If you can, do lots more work with your model, she is very good as well. Together you will produce some great work. Stick at it.
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I think it's unfair to judge his work by someone elses. I think the oil on the body is more of a style or art form rather than a practice in technique. I like the oil. The black space in the photo adds to the environment, it works as kind of a negative space. There's a good blance between the two. I think if the photo were cropped, then we'd be left wondering if there's something outside the photo space that the model might be looking at.
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