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Everything posted by stevenla

  1. Does anyone know if John Titterington still services the OM-2n?
  2. Haha, that camera is gone. I actually lended it to a cousin who was curious about film photography. The OM-2n was a bargain find at a garage sale.
  3. Hi everyone, I have an Olympus OM-2n and a Nikon FE, each with their own 50mm 1.8 lenses (the Nikon being the Series E lens). I don't want to keep both, since it's starting to get harder to choose between the two whenever I head out for a day of shooting. I'm only an amateur at best, so I'm not in need of something incredibly robust. I like shooting Aperture Priority, but like having manual there if I want to play with settings. I shoot mostly street during the day, and like to dabble in night time long exposures (the Nikon FE has proven to be quite capable at this in Auto on a tripod). Another nit-picky thing is the viewfinder information in both cameras: the Nikon definitely hails superior in this regard. I think this question boils down to the lens systems that are available to each camera. I've heard great things about Nikkor glass, but haven't heard much about the Series E lenses. On the other hand, Zuiko lenses seem to be very sharp and contrasty, though their availability and thus prices seem to scare me. Which system is cheaper to get into? I can't imagine myself needing anything other than a normal 50mm, a wide angle, and maybe a telephoto lens. Thank you all for your suggestions!
  4. Hi all, I have a Minolta XD in my possession that I want to get repaired/CLA'd. It seems as though there is some shutter lag, and I would also just like it to be completely cleaned, lubed, and adjusted (preventative). I also have a Nikon FE that I want checked up. Does anyone know reputable technicians who are still working on these models? I've contacted John Titterington, but he doesn't service the XD series anymore, nor does he touch Nikons. I've heard of Garry's Camera repair, but haven't personally sent him any work. Can someone vouch on his behalf or recommend someone else?
  5. Thank you all for the responses. I'm an amateur at best, so I think I'll be sticking with the 50mm lens until I master its usage. I think the only reason why I'm concerned about glass prices is because I can see myself in the future becoming more invested in film photography as a hobby and so thus, putting more of my money into expanding a lens system. Anyway, it seems that Minolta has the better options in terms of bang-for-buck. Thank you all for the help!
  6. Hi everyone, To give some context, I'm a fairly new shooter when it comes to film photography. I'm extremely budget tight, as finances have been rough lately. I only want to keep one camera on me, as I don't want to have to decide which one I'm going to take with me on an outing. I plan to shoot somewhat regularly (though I wouldn't consider myself a "professional" in terms of camera usage), so reliability is important to me. I've got a Nikon FE with a Series E 50mm f1.8 and a Minolta X-570 with an MC Rokkor 50mm f1.4. Based on these two choices, which would you choose to keep? I know that Minolta glass is generally cheaper than Nikon glass, so that leads me to lean toward my X-570. However, I've seen Nikon FE/FM bodies go for around the same price as Minolta X-series bodies (which blows my mind because Minolta bodies tend to be more fickle and unreliable when compared to the Nikons. Fortunately, I had my X-570's capacitor replaced). Another plus for the Minoltas is that John Titterington still services the X-series cameras, which is a nice safety net, should my camera break on me. Nikons are still serviceable though, as I've found a few shops that are willing to take them in.
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