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Everything posted by grolland

  1. Hey John, yes i think you are correct, I had two rolls of 120 stacked in my paterson tank i i don't think i quite filled it all the way up. And Rodeo i think you are correct too about the developer foaming, due to the slightly low level of dev in the tank. thanks for helping me clear that up.
  2. Hey everyone! I've just processed this roll of film at home and got it scanned and noticed in the sky at the top of each image there's some mad bubbling effect that looks like black and white lava, I'm really unsure what it is, but it's kinda ruined all these shots. I shot it on my Mamiya 7ii with a 50mm I just got hold of, on Ilford HP5. I shot a second roll of film, same set up and no lava sky. Anyone seen this effect before? Could it be from my development? Thanks in advance.
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