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Everything posted by franz_zeimetz

  1. Dear All, this is my first thread here on the forum. I hope you can help me. After developing two rolls of Tri-X I realized that there was on artifact on all pictures. A 2cm wide band (lighter than the rest of the picture on the negative) close to the edges. I took a pic with my phone and turned it into a positive (cf photos). I used HC-110 dilution B. I did not pre-wash. First I supposed it was the camera (yashicamat 124 G), but with HP5 I did not have the same problem (not pre-washed either). The negatives are clean. I than developed another roll of Tri-X but in dilution D and agitated differently and washed longer at the end of the process (15 minutes). But the result was the same. It seems that a purplish residue is causing the issue. Is the film the problem? Did you experience the same problem? How can I solve the problem? Thank you for you help.
  2. franz_zeimetz

    © Fraenz Zeimetz

  3. franz_zeimetz

    © Fränz Zeimetz

  4. franz_zeimetz

    © Fränz Zeimetz

  5. franz_zeimetz

    © Fränz Zeimetz

  6. franz_zeimetz

    © Fränz Zeimetz

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