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Everything posted by httpwww.photo.netdman

  1. Post as many as you like...let's see what you have...
  2. I tried to delete the photos that were duplicate...I can't! What's up with that?
  3. Posts as many photos as you like...the THEME is CAR SHOWS...
  4. Can you find the hand? I left this file large so click on it..
  5. Ok, so I shot a picture when I first got my camera of a petrified log...after getting home and uploading my pictures to my computer was when I noticed different carvings in the log...take a look, see how many you can find....FYI: it is funny that every time I look at this photo, I find something new...
  6. So, let's see what we come up with here....I already know this can go....
  7. Hey DC...Thanks for your input...I did look at your photos...and I do have to say that they are quite impressive. On this day when I took these photos I was walking a small nature trail late afternoon...I snapped these photos...really there wasn't nothing worth while out, but these ducks...and they sure as hell did not turn around for a photo shoot...(just kidding), while looking at the pictures after getting home...it appeared to me that the photos were showing how quiet it was on this nature trail...everyone who doesn't take photos really did not give me any critique and really wanted to hear from others. After reading all the input from everyone, I am thinking that I will slow down, take the time and get everything into focus (A LOT BETTER), and wait to get other angles for better images...and this is why I have posted these 3 photos was to get feedback (which I have, and I appreciate )....
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