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david carver

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Posts posted by david carver

  1. <p>I recently converted from PC to Mac (10.6.3, 3.06 GHZ, Core 2 Duo). With my PC and R2880 my prints were perfect. I can't get a good print from the Mac. THe colors are washed out and the prints are too dark. The colors on the screen are perfect. I used a spyder with the PC but have not purchased the spyder software for the Mac yet. </p>

    <p>I must not know what I am doing. Can someone help?</p>


  2. <p>Photo Net should outlaw the phrase <strong>"A camera is only a tool"</strong>. Maybe when we were dealing with film cameras that were all the same, but not now. Based on camera sales people are interested in sensor improvements and other features.<br>

    The other issue is that in general people are upgrading faster and if you buy a camera near the end of it's life cycle you are generally going to take a whipping when you trade in.</p>


  3. <p>I have a 5D II and I have the 24-105mm lens and I love it. It is sharp and the IS is incredible. I am very impressed with the lens. I also have a cheap 50mm and am looking at the 85mm or 100mm f/2 prime. I would go with the full frame --- if nothing else the viewfinder is in my opinion a lot nicer than the crop cameras.</p>
  4. <p>Anyone have any opinions on a portrait lens for full frame? The only lens I have now for my 5D II is a 24-105mm L and the 50mm. I really need a portrait lens. That is what I really enjoy. I am not a pro but do not really care about the price. Thanks in advance. I am looking at the 85mm f/1.8, 100mm f/2, 100mm f/2.8 macro (dual purpose), and the 135mm f/2. I really don't want a zoom lens.</p>
  5. <p>I want to buy a Voigtlander 21mm f/4 lens for my M6. It is my understanding that the 2 versions are indentical optically. Is that correct? The screw mount with the adaptor is less money that the newer version. Will I be missing anything getting the screw version? <br>

    Also, in the future I may want to buy a digital M camera. Will the screw mount with the adaptor work as well as the dedicated bayonet version.<br>

    Thanks in advance for your help.</p>

  6. <p>I wanted to process TMAX 400 in D76 1+1 and found different times in the Kodak data sheet (12.5 minutes) and the Massive development chart (10.25 minutes). I exposed at 400 and plan to process at 68 degrees in a small tank. I was going to follow the agitation procedure on the Kodak data sheet.<br>

    Any recommendations for a starting point? I know that I will have to develop my own times but what I am asking for is just a ball park starting point.<br>

    I also scan all of my negatives and print digitally. I use a Nikon LS 4000. <br>

    Thanks in advance.</p>


  7. <p>Oskar, I agree and I did list Sony earlier in the thread. The Zeiss lenses are the draw with Sony. I also handled a Sony at a store and was very impressed with the quality and feel of the camera. It felt very good in my hands.<br>

    Jamie, the crop is very impressive</p>

  8. <p>Elliot, I have also shot with both Canon and Nikon and my first choice goes to Nikon. I think that Canon makes great cameras its just my preference. I would love it if Nikon had a higher MP camera that was more in line with the price of a Mark II. If they did I would not hesitate in buying the camera. I just have a problem spending that much money on a FF D700 with just 12 MP's. I know the camera has other benefits but........</p>
  9. <p>Don, thanks a lot. That is what I was asking. I have a D90 and wanted to know if I would see a diff in quality in prints if I went to a full frame 21MP or higher (Sony 850 or Canon 5D II). I can't justify the D3X. I am not a pro and do this for fun. Eight thousand would really take the fun out of it. <br>

    Ilkka, explain an increase in spatial frequency. Sorry, I'm in business and not an engineer. :) Assuming the lenses are the same and the sensors are the same would you see a diff? I did not think sensor size mattered because from what I have read the IQ from the D700 and the D300 are about the same.</p>


  10. <p>Has anyone done a print comp between the D700, D300 (D90) and 5D Mark II at 13 by 9? I am not interested in viewing pixels. Is there any sharpness or detail difference in the actual prints at that size? I am not asking for any opinions either or someone telling me to research older answers. I just want to know if anyone has done a comp between any or all of these cameras and what the results were. I have had a D300 and now a D90 and am considering a 5D Mark II if there is a gain in print quality. I don't plan on spending 8 grand on a D3X so Canon is my only alternative.<br>

    Thank you for your answers. I really appreciate your help.</p>


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