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Everything posted by wadeschields

  1. I just picked up a minolta meter IV with a 5 degree spot meter attachment from ebay for 85 bucks. Arrived today and seems to work great... I always had the IIIF and it saw me through my whole career but I still had a hankering for the IV - since college really .... Cant wait to play with it.... Unless Im shooting digital I alway use a meter.
  2. I ve shot a few rolls through this camera recently with no issues but with a slower lens. I was really just testing this lens as I just acquired it but in my excitement of using the widest aperture, I wasnt thinking about the shutter speed being up at 2000 ... I will go back to my normal shooting and see if I have any more issues. If I do then it will be a trip to the camera doctor.
  3. Maybe the F3 in A mode was trying to shoot beyond its 2000 shutter speed?
  4. The out of focus is probably me - but the silhouetting on the right side of some of the frames is the issue that I refer too
  5. Not sure what happened here Half of the roll is perfect and half is not... Is this a lens issue? Not sequential but a few in a row then good frames then a bad frame ect. ect.
  6. Yashica T4 .... Just dug it out of storage last week and developed a roll that been in it for 15 years at least.... Here is what I found Rolling Stones at Madison Square Gardens for most of the roll. Some other gems as well.
  7. Sorry - Another question - When using a 35mm , 85mm or 115mm lenses, albeit 3.2 or f4, the camera body still goes to f2.8 . So do I need to compensate for exposure to the difference of fstop on the current lens in use. As in open up a half or full stop for the 3.2 or f4 equivalent. Im just not understanding what the f# means on these lenses. Is it just a matter of compensating on the ASA ????????? Nothing is mentioned in any of the manuals I have. Thanks
  8. So the Teleskop only works on the earlier models right. No need for one on the Super (Since there is an 80mm lens) ..... But it looks like such a cool piece of kit !!!!
  9. Can this film be developed the same as Kodak films? My darkroom is disassembled for now so I've been dropping my film off at a great great lab here in the city.... Ill mention this film to them as well... Thanks - These prices look good... Especially for the 100 ft roll..... Ill have to see if my loader and canisters are still in tact
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