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Everything posted by Ricochetrider

  1. Easton PA, Lehigh River just above where it joins the Delaware River
  2. Amsterdam has these weird, gothic bridge abutments here and there in the city. They’re all pretty cool but definitely odd.
  3. Canon AE1 Program, Tri-X 400
  4. Assuming 2023, this is a favorite phone pic. iPhone 13 Pro Max
  5. South Central Pennsylvania- Millersburg Ferry on the Susquehanna River
  6. Lost in time: Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania Coal Country Series.
  7. I ❤️ words. I admit to having to look up “flaneur” tho, a new one on me!
  8. ISO 800- either Portra 800 or Cinestill 800T, not sure which
  9. Good point about the profit margin/markup on Leica cameras. I genuinely wonder what the margins for profit are on a leica camera and lens? Clearly film cameras aren't ever going to be Leica's bread & butter, although I have a hard time believing it's 100% dedication to the "art" of photography. I see it as a gamble that's paying off in mild terms. It's true that Leica enjoys mad name recognition- but by & large, the quality is there as well. Let's see how long they can sustain this, or whether theyre simpy riding the trend.
  10. Wow man that Provia looks great. Lovely shot here.
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