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Everything posted by mikehegarty01

  1. mikehegarty01

    Big Spider

    Deck canopy.


  2. mikehegarty01

    Easter Sunday

    Counting Easter Eggs.


  3. Glenn thanks for supplying the image this week it is a nice one. All work in Gimp. First I used the clone tool to remove the power lines. I then used the perspective tool to compress and elongate everything. Then I applied an unsharp filter at value .5.
  4. Michael thanks for posting the image this week. All work done in Gimp. First I rotated the image a little. Then I used a Unsharp Mask filter at 1.5 value. Then I made a copy of the layer and converted the new layer to black and white. Then I applied a layer mask to the top black and white layer and used the paths tool to select the lady in the red coat. I filed the outline with black so the color would show.
  5. mikehegarty01

    Greers Ferry Lake Dam


  6. mikehegarty01

    Big Eyes 2

    Photo turned into a cartoon.


  7. Punta this is a very interesting image. The broken pattern around the octagon is interesting and I relay like this pick. All work done in GIMP. First I coped to make the octagon bigger. Next I unsaturated the image to tone down the yellow. I then used the path tool to select the octagon and converted it to black and white. Then I applied an unsharp mask at 1 value.
  8. Took this walking around the neighborhood this weekend.
  9. Punta great image, I decided to take the Dr. Seuss idea an try a cartoon illustration. All work done in Gimp. First I changed the perspective slightly to move the spider moor to the for ground. I the changed the image mode to Index three colors. I used this layer as a base negative. Then I added the colors one layer at a time.
  10. mikehegarty01

    Old Tree

    Tree in field.


  11. Got up this morning to take picks of the super moon and saw these trees glowing.
  12. mikehegarty01

    Tree In Field

    Interesting tree.


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