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Everything posted by warrenlloyd

  1. warrenlloyd

    Grass fire

    A grassfire sweeping across farmland in south-west NSW. Smoke from bushfires always gives an eerie atmosphere
  2. warrenlloyd

    The Swimmers

    Every Sunday morning, year-round, a group of hardy swimmers take to the waves for an ocean swim from Manly Beach to Fairy Bower and back.
  3. warrenlloyd

    Poplars in the mist

    Taken just after sunrise on a foggy winter morning
  4. warrenlloyd

    Eastern Spinebill

    Another beautiful member of the honeyeater family. This one is feeding on the large flower of a Banksia tree
  5. warrenlloyd

    Blue-faced Honeyeater

    One of the many species of beautiful honeyeaters found in Australia
  6. warrenlloyd

    Spotted Pardalote

    These beautiful little birds only measure about 8 - 9cm in length


  7. warrenlloyd

    Nice catch!

    An Osprey with a large fish in its talons
  8. warrenlloyd

    Birches in winter

    Two birch trees silhouetted against the fog on a winter's morning
  9. warrenlloyd

    Morning light

    I take your point Liao - it's not always possible to have the ideal composition when you've only got a short time to catch the moment!
  10. warrenlloyd

    Carcoar morning

    Early morning light on the Belubula River in the historic village of Carcoar
  11. warrenlloyd

    Crop lines

    Farmland after the harvest, taken in the early morning from a hot air balloon
  12. warrenlloyd


    Looking across the reflection pool towards the main building of the Intercontinental Hotel at Sanctuary Cove
  13. Taken as the early morning light caught this unusual skyscraper in the Melbourne CBD. Processed in Lightroom
  14. warrenlloyd

    Standing alone

    A lone gum tree in a lush paddock of lucerne. Taken from a hot air balloon in the early morning light
  15. One of the many colourful laneways in Melbourne's CBD
  16. warrenlloyd

    Pyramid Rock

    Early morning light on on the rugged coastline of Philip Island, with Pyramid Rock in the distance.
  17. warrenlloyd


    An abandoned farmhouse in the NSW central tablelands
  18. Looking west along the southern coastline of Philip Island in the pre-dawn light
  19. warrenlloyd

    Snow gums

    The beautiful white bark of Snow gums, after a grass fire has burned through the forest
  20. Nice shot Serge! I gather you were lucky enough to be at this concert
  21. warrenlloyd

    The Sunrise

    Beautiful shot Miroslav
  22. Very minimalist shot and I think it works very well - a great shot!
  23. warrenlloyd


    A very nice shot Evgeni with simple composition. I love the bark and branches with the foggy background. Have you tried converting it to b&w so the foreground matches the trees?
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