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Everything posted by kevinbutz

  1. kevinbutz

    Thanks Rosario, after looking at some of yours I'll take that as high praise. Actually prefer the Elbow Bend shot, But these two and the geyser shot made the trip for me.
  2. Have to agree the Canonet GII 1.7 is a great choice and have enjoyed using the ones I have had over the years. Next choice somewhat more expensive and possibly out of the affordable category the Contax G-series cameras and their associated Zeiss lenses.
  3. kevinbutz

    Shot with Canon G16. Bottom of Kingsbury Grade Tour of California 2018.
  4. kevinbutz

    Shot with Canon G16 P+S
  5. kevinbutz

    Shot with Contax G1 with 45mm lens
  6. kevinbutz

    Shot with Canon AE-1 Program
  7. kevinbutz

    Taken just after sunrise across Elbow Bend using Canon AE-1 Program
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