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  1. I'm new to dark room, and so far have been using Kodak Tri-X400 exposed for ISO1250 primarily and processing with diafine. I tried TMAX 100 at 160 with diafine, and find it OK but not as keen on it. I quite like the look of the TriX+Diafine for street photography but now planning to experiment with some studio shots and want to try something different. I have a couple of rolls each of the following film: - Ilford FP4+ 125 - Ilford FP5+ 400 - Kodak TMAX 100 For developer I have - Diafine - Kodak D76 - Rodinal R09 One Shot Will be printing on Ilford Multigrade FB Classic Paper 11x14" Glossy While I expect some experimentation will be necessary, I wonder given these films/developers/paper combination what would be good starting points for exposure/developer/ratio and what effect I might get given a certain combination Thanks
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