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  1. <p>Ok great Charles, will do so thanks ! <br> One last question, where does the PhotoFlo come into play in that case ?</p>
  2. <p>Thank you for your responses!<br> I managed to clean the negatives with diluted soap and tap water, the result wasn't perfect but the new spots I had after drying could be rubbed away with an antistatic cloth. Surely not the best thing to do but it did it for this time.<br> Thanks for the advice Edward, took notes and will apply next time I process.<br> Charles, just so things are clear for me, I shouldn't rinse the film after the stabilizer? I come from B&W film processing where the final step is rinsing and not stabilizing, it's different with color film then?<br> As a final note, I didn't use distilled water, don't think I will for the next batches as I don't want to waist my chemicals, unless this problem reoccurs in which I'll have to. </p>
  3. <p>Hi everybody,<br /><br />This question has surely been discussed elsewhere but haven't found my answer.<br /><br />I processed my first color negative film and after letting it dry I inspected the film to find apparent drops on the negative. The drops seem to have a white-yellow tint. I would like to know what I should do to clean the negative now that it is dry ?<br /><br />I respected the processing timing and the rinsing timings, does anybody have an idea what I did wrong ?<br /><br />Thanks in advanve for the help!</p>
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