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Posts posted by stephen_behr

  1. <p>I purchased my student sons 2008 iMac and subscribed to the CC photography bundle. This plus a nice D7000 and two decent lenses came to a total of $1000. The iMac only has 4Gb RAM and a 200Gb hard drive. I am massaging and processing up to 16Mb TIF files and I have no problem. Before I was using a Sony notebook which had only 3Gb RAM and that was fine for me also. <br>

    Maybe the CC version of PS and LR are less computer resource hungry. That would make sense as PS6 was pretty monolithic. I saw a response from someone who is using 32Gb RAM. Why? The performance of the computer will always be limited to the clock speed across the Bus where the app interacts with the computers memory and hard drive storage.<br>

    After giving me the iMac on which he also used World of Warcraft, he built his own tower with 16Gb RAM with quad processors and some mega video card with fans etc. Compared to his old iMac, its really not that seriously faster. Maybe 50%. I can live with and save $5k.<br>

    Perhaps there is computer performance envy like there is digital camera envy at play. I ran a utility which measures RAM usage. With iOS, PS and LR CC and Perfectly Clear, its at 70% of 4Gb. My recommendation is to put tech lust to one side and instead get out there and do whats important...producing nice images which tell a story. </p>

  2. <p>I just installed Adobe CC Photography bundle with PS 2015.5 and LR plus a free automatic upgrade to Camera Raw CC. As the iMac was my sons from university he also had PS CS6 and CS3 and all the other Adobe Creative Suite. During the installation of CC a dialog box came up saying that one free automatic upgrade to PS6 was also done, but that there was no upgrade path from CS3. Its lists all the apps in a table and as it does the install/upgrade it tells you which its doing or won't do.<br>

    I would guess that $9pm is not too expensive for most people and it ensures you are on the latest and greatest in three applications. I'm being cynical but I think there will come a time, maybe in 3 years and Adobe will only support CC.</p>

  3. <p>Part of my adventure back into film was the challenge of temperature control in developing. In summer here it can hit 45C regularly and in winter, now its between 12-23C. My partner, who will shoot film to the grave bought a used Jobo system for $200. This has temperature control. It made a massive improvement to her workflow. Just a suggestion. </p>
  4. <p>You should be able to find a good Hasselblad 503 and a couple of black later gen leaf shutter lenses for maybe $1500. Thats new enough to not need cla-ing. Its going to be expensive processing though. Colour film and associated processing is costing up to $20-25 per roll now. If you add on these costs plus scanning etc, that would get you up to that 50mb Canon FF. Scanning is expensive down here and to do it yourself you will need a flatbed Epson or something and thats $500.<br>

    I went from film to digital, back to film, and now back to digital for good. It just all got too hard and expensive. And despite staying in the Nikon camp through all that so my lenses at least were usable in both.<br>

    I saw a Pentax 645D on eBay last week for $2500. That was $10k two years ago. Maybe you should consider that too. There are also 40mb Phase One digital MF backs filtering through now too. </p>

  5. I went on a digital course not long ago and the course leader made a comment that was good advice. He said that good images are not so

    much the small differences in the equipment as the creativity of the photographer. To illustrate he had two A1 sized prints on the wall

    of the seminar room we used for day 1. He said that one was produced by a early Canon 5D with a 50 1.8, the other was from a Canon 5D-3

    with the same lens. Honestly, you would be hard pressed to tell the difference from a metre away. He also said that you could interchange

    these two images with those from Nikon or Sony and it would be the same result.

    I fell for the new tech seduction once before. Never again.

  6. With pristine D7000's going for $350-400, I just cant see spending 2-3 times that only to suffer the digital depreciation. I was bitten

    once when I went from a D300 to a D700. Never again. The D7000 has all the speed and resolution I will ever need. I'll wait for a $400

    D7200 to come along in a couple of years.

  7. <p>I just bought a well cared for D7000 and downloaded the latest version of View NX2.<br>

    I have lots of images on my laptop of various types, mainly jpg and png. View NX2 is not reading/displaying the .png files. These are important files as they are screen grabs using Snipping Tool. <br>

    Has anyone found this also?<br>

    I plan to subscribe to Adobe CC Photography pack anyway, but I thought I would at least try VNX2. </p>

  8. <p>You can stop the process, but it will start up again anyway. Yes, apart from process management etc they also tell Adobe about the validity of your license. Get used to it. Pretty soon the web version of Office will be the only one too.<br>

    We have now gone full circle since 1980, where most computers were host and (remote) terminal. Thats what SAAS and web apps are. So much for progress!<br>

    In my office the IT server room has a window wall so everyone can see all the flashing lights. The CIO is nostalgic. he keeps a huge fridge-sized X25 switch running which is covered in 125 blinking lights. It looks very impressive. </p>

  9. <p>I have owned many Nikon folm cameras. I use a friends D300 and thought it was great. A month ago I sold my remaining film Nikons and got good prices and bought a low shutter activation D7000 for $380. Its brilliant and the lens I used on the film Nikons, the 28-70 AFD 3.5-4.5 works really well. All up investment of $500. I could not be more pleased.</p>
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