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Image Comments posted by keith_jorgensen

    Sunset Palm

    Technically very good. However the coloring is monotoned and flat and, compositionally, the tree cuts the picture in half. I tried sending you an in-depth critique and revised image but hotmail would not accept the message. If you have another address e-mail me.
  1. Very nice. I vote for this because the symmatry makes this a rule breaker. Consider a trick I learned from a very talented flower photographer who did most of his work in the studio. Instead of a black background, he used a very dark green satin or velvet cloth. The diffused green sheen made one believe that they were seeing leaves out of focus.
  2. A very good portrait. You included the entire bill which a few presenters here on Photo.net did not do. In future,try to underexpose white subject slightly to keep detail in the white area (it's hard to remember;I forget all the time).

    San Fransisco

    I like the atmosphere and colors. I think the composition is good but might be improved by cropping out the two bright areas on the left(green doorway and white store window), which are slightly distracting.
  3. Nice scenic and great color. However, I think you are trying to show too much for the eye to take in. The composition might be improved by removing half the sky (down to top of mountain on left) and cutting the bottom off at the water line on the rock on the right. I bet that small waterfall at the bottom would be an interesting picture in itself if it included into where the water was flowing.
  4. Nice lighting and excellent exposure. Composition is almost perfect except there is too much grass. You did the best you could because raising the camera would have included too much of the blank sky. I saw your cropped version but I think having some grass adds to the composition by keeping the dividing line between mountains and reflection off center. By leaving half the height of grass you keep the horizon 1/3 from the top of the frame. The grass also gives more depth perception and makes you feel that the water won't run out of the bottom of the picture. It is a super photo with 1/2 the grass height!!!


    Not quite the impact of the other photo, which, I think, you enlarged and reversed, probably because of the great expanse of sky. Still, a nice picture in its own right.


    Extremely nice composition (that "S" curve takes the viewer right into the picture,)technically well done and those dynamic colors really provide impact. Very original.
  5. When I first looked at this I thought that there was a lot of wasted space, but in studying it, I found that everything comes together well. I do suggest cropping some off the bottom because there isn't much detail and the horizon would then be off center. I keep saying that I am going out to P'town and hike out to Race Point. After seeing your shots I am going to make more of an effort.


    Nice portrait. Could improve by cropping left and right to make a vertical format. Fill flash would have given a little more detail in the face and provided highlights in the eyes.
  6. I like many of your photos and the subject leaves in this picture are very well done, being in sharp focus and containing such nice detail. However, Alex's comment about the background is right on. You do not need a black background; try moving your angle of view to get the blue sky as the plain background. Provides nice contrasting color and makes the leaves stand out especially if leaves are sidelighted or backlighted. Try this again next fall.
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