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Image Comments posted by keith_jorgensen

  1. I really like the colors and the exposure is very good. I think that there is just too much to look at and that the branch is not necessary as the shadows alone lead the eye to the third mushroom. I find the branch distracting.
  2. I like the composition. Usually with flowers I would prefer to see vertical format but because of the fanned arrangement it works horizontally. If the background were darker the clover would stand out more. I played with this in Photo Deluxe and decreased the brightness (-27) and increased contrast (+44)and it really looked super.
  3. Nice exposure and fair composition. I would crop about 1/2 inch off the left and crop the top down to just below the bright spot on the right stem. This would get the flower close to the third spot and eliminate the distracting bright spots at the top. The flower is now the brightest area and is the focus of attention with all lines in the picture leading to it.
  4. I like the shades of blue. However, the image lacks a center of interest like a fishing boat or some interesting foreground feature. I had this same problem when I was at the beach at Pattaya many years ago - nice sunset but.....
  5. I am by no means a pro but I will comment based on things I have learned from others. The depth of field is quite good, keeping the subject well focused while the background is out of focus. With flower shots like this, it would be best to shoot in a vertical format, thereby eliminating much of the uninteresting background. Your subject should take up at least 3/4 of the frame. The colors are nice but I think a little less exposure would have given richer colors. Try this again if possible. You might also swing the camera slightly so the stem comes diagonally from a lower corner. One more thing, the faded bloom (upper right) is distracting and should have been removed or the angle changed to obscure it. This would leave three blossoms (we humans like the "symmetry" of odd numbers.)I hope these comments are helpful.

    Big Guy

    Nice portrait of a cute kid. The plaid background is a little distracting; try again with plain backdrop - the subject is great and I'm sure you can't get enough pictures of that guy.


    I like the shape of the fence but the blank sky area is too stark. Fog pictures are difficult and this might have been better if you had shot more from the right along the fence and showed the muted colors in the far shore.
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