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Everything posted by brennan_probst

  1. <p>Hey guys, new to the forums here. I process both 35mm and 120 film by hand. My 120 film always turns out great, with no<em> </em>water spots or chemical residue of any kind. However, no matter what I do, I always seem to get spots on my 35mm negs. I'm hoping I could get some input as to what I'm doing wrong (if anything), and why it only seems to happen to my 35mm negs and not my 120 negs. </p> <p>For reference, here is my process (I use a Paterson SS4 tank, and mostly shoot Kodak TMax 400): <br> 1. Develop with Ilfotec DDX (1+4 dilution), agitating every 30 seconds<br> 2. Dump the developer, fill and empty tank 5 times with cool running water<br> 3. Fix with Ilford Rapid Fixer for 5 min (1+9 dilution), agitating every 30 seconds<br> 4. Pour out fixer, wash for 15 minutes in running water (using Paterson washer hose)<br> 5. Remove film from tank, let sit in separate container of Kodak photo-flo for 30 seconds, no agitation (1+200 dilution, with distilled water)<br> 6. Gently squeegee film with fingers, hang dry</p> <p>FYI, I live in the northern suburbs of Chicago (maybe we have extra-hard water here?).</p> <p>Again, my 120 negatives always turn out perfect, but I can't seem to shake the water-spot blues when it comes to my 35mm negs. Any advice is greatly appreciated, and I'm happy to elaborate on any part of my process. Thanks! </p> <p> </p>
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