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  1. <p>Did some searching and I'm just going to register and contribute a bit of my frustration<br /><br />Years ago I bought around forty rolls of expired Svema/Tacma films, of which I started with Svema 64 and it shot and developed really well - a bit grainy, but no fog or any other problems.<br /><br />Which brings me to today. Having used to just shoot and develop at standard R09 1:25 6.5min @ 22C with Svema and getting excellent results, Tacma 64 came out completely ruined - I did no test shoot and had not anticipated such a failure.<br /><br />So I took up to see if I am doing something wrong - because last Svema roll (and couple during the years) I shot yesterday came out as bad as first Tacma I shot today: it is really dense and it's either developing and/or film problem: figures can be seen, frame numbers are barely visible as the whole film is quite dark. It fixes okay, but no time/dilution/temperature variation works. Well.. it's one batch, so must be gone bad. Took some Svema 125 and test shot came out the same.<br /><br />It may very well be that Tacma 64 and Svema 125 batches I have are just bad, but linear failure prompts me to developing mishap?<br /><br />May there be something I'm missing, or I can throw other films just to trash?<br />Developing routine is same - except I have no order on how I agitate, but that wouldn't produce denseness/fogg outside the frame on the film? <br /><br /><br /><br> <img src="https://www.upload.ee/image/5877636/2016-06-11_20.42.05.jpg" alt="" /></p>
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