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  1. <p>Hi,<br> First thanks for the amazing forum. Already have found a lot of good information. Hope this is the right Category, assuming that processing means: developing, printing, scanning, basically from exposure to paper. I recently got my hands on a Nikon F2, what a nostalgic feeling shooting film. Already got a few rolls, developed and scanned and the camera looks fine, well besides me learning to shoot without a light meter.<br> Now a run into a finance question. What would you suggest is the best option to start doing myself:</p> <ol> <li>bulk loading <br />(HP5 B/W Ilford 100ft = 64.99 + bulk loader = 49.99) total of 5.75 per roll assuming I can get 20 rolls vs 5.59 per one roll.</li> <li>developing at home <br />(have not done the math but pretty sure this will be really cheap compare to precision camera)</li> <li>buy my scanner about 150 for Epson V550.</li> </ol> <p>I'm tempted to go for #1 or #3 and leave the development for later. Eventually I plan to do all 3 myself.<br> Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.</p>
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