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  1. <p>Tried searching here, not much luck. <br /><br />I'm looking for labs who have experience pushing C41 color film. Preferably in the US, though if folks from other countries want to chime in, maybe we can build a *current* list.<br /><br />I live in Philadelphia, and am fortunate enough to still have two brick-and-mortar film labs to work with, but neither if them recommend pushing color film. It's possible that their setup doesn't allow for it and/or they are trying to avoid unhappy customers. I've never done it, but I KNOW it can be done. Heck, Kodak even has a reference PDF for pushing Portra on their site. On Flickr, I've seen the results of Fuji Superia pushed 2 stops. <br /><br />I'm intrigued, but at a loss. I could call around every lab in the country to ask if they do it, but I thought I'd start here to see if anyone has had good experience getting their film pushed by a particular lab.<br /><br />Thank you!<br /><br />-Tim</p>
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