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Image Comments posted by andy_graham

  1. great shot...i dont have one and dont know how to use one...but i think there is a graduated filter that is useful with sunsets..hopefully someone else with more knowledge than i will step up and fill you in..again,great shot,the ratings are an injustice..but as a fellow flower shooter,i'll just say get used to it..somehow mountains and pastures and zoo animals and nude self portraits are more original


    to me.....the suggested crop is more pleasing to the eye,graphically....but the mountains create a sense of place..at any rate it is your call and your shot and a darn good one,as are most of yours

    Shack 2



    i think i may have been the first to rate this shot..liked it then and even more so now.your whole collection is great.the ominous mood of them(to me)is very intriging. i am curious though...do you ever print these? and if so ,how large a print can you make and keep decent quality?

    Gold Rush

    i dont think i have ever seen a shot from antelope canyon in the horizontal....having never been there i have to assume its not laid over on its side..at any rate,great shot
  2. James,

    to my admittedly untrained eye,the first thing that i notice is that the perspective is just a little off,for me and it is only My opinion,when it is so close to a straight on shot it has to be exact....i havent mastered it myself and it is something i work on....also the foreground seems a little dark...and after all that you didnt ask...i dont think you tried to grab too much..looks pretty good

  3. Chris..

    i looked at your portfolio and the one thing that they seem to have in common is they appear to be shot in bright midday light...i too am a relative newcomer but have noticed and hopefully learned that the quality of the light can and will make or break a shot...try shooting early in the morning or late in the afternoon..i think you will find it makes all the difference in the world


    i happened to be viewing your folder again and noticed that noone else had commented..even by way of rating...i think this is so much better than all the landscapes,sunrises and flowers being posted in here that i had to repeat myself...FANTASTIC shot...it could be veiwed better if you decreased the size of your file a bit and cleaned up the digital noise leftover from the scan
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