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Everything posted by benjamin_kim2

  1. <p>Tim Lookingbill/ That looks worst than mine. Hasselblad scanner doesn't support both program. They have all profile but it doesn't help to get the color right.</p>
  2. <p>Tim Lookingbill/ That's not what I'm talking about. Im dealing with real film negatives not photoshopped film like images.</p> <p>Stephen Lewis/ I don't think so. Then I couldn't even see the difference between mine and other's portra pics.</p>
  3. <p><img src="https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/t31.0-8/12402025_1040812072631696_3594634596443037329_o.jpg" alt="" /></p>
  4. <p>https://www.pinterest.com/dariotoledo/kodak-portra-s/</p> <p>I've been working on editing film negative files for a year but I still couldn't achieve what others did. I even used color checker for accurate color with photoshop but it still doesn't look like portra film color. Basic infos, all technics, alternative solutions, and more. But never solve the problem at all.</p> <p>I use hasselblad X5 scanner with 3f scanning. </p> <p>I really wanna how film labs scan films and do color correction. I searched google and sites for a year and I don't wanna hear some comments about more googling. I've done everything as I can. </p>
  5. <p>I'm still not sure what types of photography that I should work for. Currently, I'm in photography major from art school. Since they teach mostly about fine art, it's quite hard to experience other types of photography at all. I'm not working now but still looking for internship or assistance to work and experience. </p> <p>Can anyone tell me the entire major types of photography such as portrait(Head shot, fashion, and more)?</p>
  6. <p>I shoot RAW files of course and I know what I should do but how? Do they just edit their original files or add preset?</p>
  7. <p>Recently, I really feel that my pics don't my own color style at all but normal color. I usually use Lightroom mostly and never edit them from photoshop unless i have to edit with photoshop if I need better editing tools and etc. Well, using lightroom does not provide any color editing at all. When I look at other photographer's pics, they have their own color tones and styles like a film colors.</p> <p>http://petapixel.com/2015/06/29/review-the-pentax-645z-is-a-wedding-photographers-medium-format-dream/</p> <p>I'm using either canon 5d mark 3 or Nikon D750(I don't like the color tones and etc) but I was using Pentax camera from the beginning. Anyway, I was trying to figure out how they did but I couldn't. </p> <p>How photographers make their own color tones and styles? Do they make their own costume presets? or just using lightroom or photoshop?</p>
  8. <p>Yeah but my professional already have assistances from other school and I can't apply for NYIP.</p>
  9. <p>Well, I gave resume and etc to few places and never get responds. <br> I didn't even look at places where they expect me to have professional skills such as "Photoshop master", "fully know how to operate Profoto", "willing to give pro skills", and etc. </p> <p> </p>
  10. <p>For now, I really feel that getting works or jobs is so harsh to me that they already expect me to do professional skills and experiences and never think about hiring student who don't qualify their high expectation. Am I lazy? No, I love what I'm doing. They just expect us too much.</p>
  11. <p>1. Why pro photographers prefer to use leaf lens rather than HSS function?</p> <p>2. What are the difference between 14 bit and 16bit?</p> <p>3. Why medium cameras have only one AF point?</p> <p>4. What kind of photographers use medium format cameras?</p> <p>5. Can it be a great decision to use cheap medium format(Pentax 645D) with one zoom lens after graduate from the college?</p> <p>6. What are major differences between Phase one and Hasselblad cameras?</p> <p>7. Why the tethering is important? </p> <p>8. Pentax have a bad tethering speed. How so?</p> <p>9. Do photographers have to use Capture one pro for medium format cameras?</p> <p>10. Do they buy medium format cameras with lenses and equipment for their uses?</p> <p> </p>
  12. <p>Hi I'm a photography major student in NYC area. I've been studying and shooting pics for 1 years and half in school. I really felt that I need any internship or assistance for a photographer in NYC or queens area. Not just for money but also for experiences, skills, and etc. I really enjoy what I'm doing honestly. However, I can not find any informations about internship and assistance for photographers and it's too limited to search. Where and how can I find them?</p> <p> </p>
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