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  1. <p>I did notice these weird waves in one of the parts I could scan, wondering what it is:</p> <p>http://i.imgur.com/1BS76s5.jpg</p>
  2. <p>Upon closer inspection today I see that 8 of the 12 shots were developed, but they still look veeeery faint against the light. So it was probably just that, right? Too underexposed.</p>
  3. <p>I shot this roll with my Holga indoors in low light at night. This is my first time developing anything so I'll detail my process:<br> The room was completely dark, I made sure of that, no light leaking anywhere, it's a walk-in closet inside an already totally dark room, plus I sealed the edges of the door anyway. I loaded the film into the spool, put it in my Paterson tank and when it was lightproof took it out.<br> The roll was an Ilford 3200. I used Ilford Ilfotec DD-X developer at 20 degrees celcius. 100ml + 400ml water. for 9 minutes and 30 seconds, stirring for 10 seconds every minute. I used the stirring stick instead of the inversion method, making sure to stir in both directions and making it move enough. Then I poured it out, used the stop bath (25ml + 475ml water) for around 3 minutes. Poured it out and then the Ilford Fixer (100ml + 400 ml water) for 3 minutes. Poured it out, then 500ml water with 2 drops of wetting agent for 2 minutes. <br> After that I took the roll out and hung it up to dry, but it just looked wrong. As you can see in the pictures I'll attach. I could sort of see two images but the rest, nothing. I don't know if I did something wrong, or if maybe the lighting wasn't enough for the Holga (even though it was iso 3200, I still think it's possible.) So I'm posting it here to see what you guys think. <br> http://i.imgur.com/STLcZAK.jpg<br> http://i.imgur.com/QPRIavr.jpg<br> http://i.imgur.com/dOIQ1mv.jpg</p>
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