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Everything posted by neto_macedo

  1. <p>I recently bought a Pentax 67II Câmera and i'm experiencing some problem with the film counting/winding mechanism.<br> It happens as follows:<br> I put the film spool in the câmera, align the marker in the correct position, close the back camera door and finish to wind the winder til it comes back to the start position. At this time the "film" indicator should appear at the display, but it doesn't. When I keep winding a few more times it reconizes the film is inside and the camera works normally as it should. The problem is, since i have to wind a few times and the camera thinks there is no film, I have only 6 shots. The last 4 shots are made without film.<br> Has someone experienced something alike? Can I fix it myself? I live in Brazil's countryside, far away from any technician. :\<br> I'm sorry if I couldn't express my self better. My english is a bit rusty. If something is not clear, please ask and I will try to explain differently.</p>
  2. <p>Well, the problem is: I live in Brazil and it is veeery hard to get these stuff here. I am obliged to improvise over here.</p>
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