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Everything posted by a_b100

  1. <p>@Alan Klein: Thank you for demonstrating on my pictures. I really appreciate it! Two responses:</p> <p>1) Do you *<strong>always</strong>* have to adjust scans to this degree? I knew some post was required, but it seems far more than I would have assumed. It still seems very extreme as a scan.<br> 2) Film was never expired - bought brand new from stores. Does that change any of your opinions?</p>
  2. <p>@John H.: My reason for doubting your analysis is that I was shooting in straight daylight at probably between f/8 and f/16, depending. On the Mamiya my shutter speed was set to 1/500 for most of the day and since both the Olympus and Yashica are aperture priority, I can't be fully certain. These are just a sample set from the 90+ shots I got developed, but the effects are consistent across 4 rolls of film.</p> <p>@Stephen Lewis: I'll try keep that in mind, but, the effects are pretty uniform across several rolls. Please see my above reply to John re: Aperture's and Shutter Speeds.</p> <p>@Les Berkley: Using a metering app on my iPhone that has been said to give good results. Furthermore, I am familiar with shooting in digital and I have a general sense of what exposure seems reasonable.</p> <p>@Jochen Schrey: Absolutely! Different rolls bought from different stores, both in person and online. Since everything except for Agfa is professional grade I throw those into my fridge when not in use. I also had a lab do everything - no C-41 processing for me at home.</p> <p>I really want to believe that this is a problem with the scanning. The effects are similar across 3 cameras AND the Yashica and Olympus are aperture priority cameras.</p>
  3. <p>Hi all -<br> I've come across a few film cameras and I am making my foray into it. I've gotten my second batch of rolls back from the processor, and they all appear faded and have very muted tones. I used Agfa 200, Ektar 100 and Porta 160.<br /><br />Could someone <a href="http://imgur.com/a/L8jo8#0">take a quick look at these 5 pics</a> and tell me whether this is the film, processing, camera or scanner? Thank you, I'd really appreciate any help figuring this out!</p>
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